About Us


  • Ph.D., 2011, Historical Theology, London School of Theology. Dissertation title: John of Damascus, First Apologist to the Muslims. Supervisors: Tony Lane and Peter Riddell.
  • M.A., 2004, Muslim Studies, Columbia International Univeristy
  • M.Div., 1988, Columbia International Univeristy
  • B.A., 1977, English (major) and Biology (minor), College of William and Mary

Dr. Janosik’s interests in academics range from Science Apologetics (he taught Biology for over 20 years) to Apologetics to Islam (M.A. in Muslim Studies, Ph.D. on John of Damascus and his writings on Islam) to Church History and Historical Theology. As the Director of Islamic Studies, Dr. Janosik desires to develop materials and provide instruction that will encourage students to learn more about Islam so that they can minister more effectively to Muslims. As the Director of the Online Education program, Dr. Janosik seeks to provide a quality online program that will extend the unique teaching at SES to the rest of the world.

In over 20 years of teaching university students, Dr. Janosik’s desire has been to challenge his students to think critically of themselves and of the material that they are studying so that they might show themselves approved of the Lord. In other words, if his students are not more excited about God and his creation after they have taken his classes, then he feels that he has failed them. Whether he is teaching them biology or theology, he wants to challenge them to think God’s thoughts in their pursuit of his Truth. He also wants them to understand the subject matter as accurately and proficiently as they can so that they will be able to assess the world around them and make decisions that are godly and wise. Therefore, in his own teaching he seeks to be thorough in his research, accurate in his summations and God-honoring in his words. In addition, since he is known as the “tech-teacher,” he seeks to utilize all the 21st century technology in his teaching so that his students are ready and able to minister in the technology-loaded world they are in today.